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This forum is a venue to share opinions and information about other musicians interpreting Morricone's music. I was inspired by Michael Caletka's forum, and used the same service provider with him. Thanks Cali...

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Frank Pourcel's vinyls

Four of the vinyl records of Frank Pourcel contain Morricone interpretations (mine might not be an exhaustive list, and I would be grateful if you can add more to it):

"Il Etait Une Fois" and "La Revolution" in the album called Enregistrement 24 Pistes,

"Pour Une Poignée de Dollars" in the album called Themes de Films,

"Pour Une Poignée de Dollars" (again), "Il Etait Une Fois Dans L'Ouest", and Le Bon, La Brute, et le Truand" in the album called Western, and

"Io e Te (Tous le Deux)" in the album called L'Enfant Roi