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Raid on Riwi collosium of games!

Recently had been thinking that a raid for gear for guild members would be a really good raid!! Poled several members and was positive for upgrades!! Riwi is a 55-70 zone with a raid encounter but the raid encounter dosent seem to be worth it!! However there are alot of items that drop there and would be good upgrade gear for guild members , because lets face it have youo seen the prices in the bazaar!! What better way to gear up for raids for epics but by making our toons that much better????? I personally have mention on many occasions that I have had my eye on a certain mace Dedgerex's flintforge cudgle, a very nice proc weapon and I would greatly love to have , but there are many caster, and melee items that drop there!!!! so let me know lets give it the good ole rov try??? To pull this raid off we would need at least 2 clerics and a coupls chantors and at least 3 or 4 melee classes and a nuker is always handy!!!!

Re: Raid on Riwi collosium of games!

Mot aka Ibuprofin is always up for going to an out of the way place and getting killed ;) Now, if we cna just have more enchanters online..