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Michael's Forum
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These guys are just unbelievably arrogant. After spending the last year collecting money and spending it on expansion ideasone after the other, they suddenly decide they don't want to just pay members. No, they want their members to actually earn the money. Ok,I understand the concept of a job.You do some work and you get paid. Fine, no problem. The problem is on their front page it STILL says "We pay you to view our advertiser's websites".THAT is the job they "hire" you to do.
See, that's how this autosurf concept works. People pay memberships. You take the money and invest it and then pay the members.You do NOT take the money and build new offices and fancy buildings and then hijack the membership when you are too stupid to watch your ****ed money. That's right folks. Your money was invested in the idea that StudioTraffic was "special".
They wanted to be a corporation. A conglomerate. What they didnt plan on was people asking for THEIR money they had already earned. The rest of you should do what I did and tell this crooked ******* to shove it. You got into autosurfing to earn an income to pay bills. Studiotraffic wants you to actually work for them and pay THEM for the right to do so. Attend online conferences and agree to volunteer 15 hours a week and all will be forgiven. Right..or I could go to a place like where members get paid in 24 hours of requesting it!
To hell with John Horan and his stupid JR Ewing wannabe thinking. Just pay the ****ed people what you owe them!