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Michael's Forum
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A little bit confused

Hello Michael, it says on your site that members can cashout once a month at anytime. If i were to be a member, that will sound good for me. However, when i look at it from the administrator point of view, i am a bit confused because this means, you are leaving the choice to your members to make the decision for the cashout date.

Isn't this a little bit dangerous for the program itself? Because if let's say, everybody were to cashout at the same time, then you'd be emptying the fund fast. Also, you won't have enough time to roll the money because you don't know when members will request for cashout.

What happens if the money is in the middle of being rolled but all members suddenly request for cashout at the same time? Won't this delay the payment? I understand the cashout is only once a month, but it's still dangerous because if the money is in the middle of rolling or not being rolled yet, and members request for cashout, they could cashout all and if they decide not to reinvest in your program anymore, then money will stop coming in, and well, we know what's gonna happen next.

The only reason why i voice this out is because there are not many honest autosurf owners out there and i personally think that you are one of this rare people. So i really do not want to see you or your program fails for whatever reasons.

Hopefully you could straighten out my confusion so i can sleep well at night.

Re: A little bit confused

As a surfer I like that option, but it will turn out that I'll ask a payout on nearly the same date every month. I'll never leave cashbalans in an account when its possible to cash out. Most people do that I assume.
I don't think it's that complicated as you think it wil be.

Re: Re: A little bit confused

Let me quote you - "I'll never leave cashbalans in an account when its possible to cash out."

See, this is exactly what i mean. As a surfer, of course this is good news. But right now i'm not worried about the surfers, i'm much more concerned about Michael. When you don't exactly know if/when your members will request for cashout, then how do you plan/do the rolling?

What if members request for cashout while you're still rolling the money? And what if, all the members think like Marina, who squeezes everything out until there's no more balance for Michael to roll the money all over again?

Surfers may think it's nothing complicated because the thinking is not on their part. But it's the admin who has to think everything through and through like how much to roll, how much to give out and how much for contingency. It's all about strategy & planning.

I for one, am interested to know how Michael plans all these because it's not easy to offer a 2% daily for 365 days and at the same time, leaving the decision for cashout date to the members. Even eProfitSurf has a fixed date.

Having said that, i believe Michael aka Mike has a good working system to back him up. Else he wouldn't be so confident as to opened up his autosurf site and let members decide their own cashout date.

And you know what? It takes a brilliant mind to come up with a good and unique strategy. Now, if only Mike is willing to let me in a little, into his secrets...

Re: A little bit confused

Hi Faye.
I understand your concerns and I appreciate the confidence in my honesty.
Ok, there are several reasons autosurfs fail.Number one is the admin went into it without being properly funded to sustain the site or he intended to defraud from the start. I have a constant supply of money going in and out of both processors. At any given time there is enough cash on hand to handle payouts.
Now, would this have to change down the road? Possibly. Theres not a major autosurf that hasn't changed policy from time to time. The key is to make those changes without delaying or not paying members. If there came a time changes had to be made I would inform all members with plenty of notice.
I feel confident my current policy will be sustainable. Worst case scenario, I would have cashouts twice a month on specific days.
Hope I've been able to put your mind at ease.