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NOTE: On June 18th, 2008, Sony BMG/ Legacy Recordings released the long awaited reissue of Dennis Wilson's masterwork, the acclaimed 1977 solo album Pacific Ocean Blue. Aside from a brief CD release in 1992, this is the first time this album has been widely available to the public since it's first appearance. Included in this release is a second disc packed with previously unreleased material from sessions leading up to a second solo album, tentatively titled BAMBU.

So, have you heard the new release? What do you think? What surprised you? Do you have questions? Reviews? Opinions? - they are all welcome here.

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Is this a good description on Dennis ? Ed, anyone in the know

Just curious as to what Ed Roach or those close to Dennis think of this observation of Dennis.

"In this "Doris Day of rock groups" (Bruce Johnston's phrase) Dennis was decidedly the hippest—he was a recognizable type, a kind of surfer delinquent. At first encounter he also seemed the most normal member of the group. This turned out to be a serious misreading. A couple of years later when I moved into the house in Beverly Glen where he and Barbara lived I discovered him to be a perfect maniac. It was Dennis after all who brought Charles Manson round. But that's another story. For the moment Dennis seemed affable and cool. I passed him a joint. He sniffed it the way a dog might do, holding the scent in his nostrils. Abruptly he pushed it away and very matter-of-factly said: "When I smoke grass with someone, I don't know whether to kiss them or run screaming out of the room." Looking into his now-swirling eyes I didn't know which one would have been scarier. There was something of a werewolf about Dennis. In the last couple of years before he died with his long white hair and haunted face he actually began to resemble the doomed Lawrence Talbot on a full moon."

It's from this article-


Re: "a good description on Dennis!" Ed

Amazing, and thanks for pointing this out to me! (I actually think I have this saved somewhere, but had never read it) When I started reading it, I couldn't imagine who besides me had lived with Dennis & Barbara in that little Beverly Glen house! I called to my wife, and reading it to her, she said someone was probably quoting me, however, I knew I'd never said this in that particular way...
To answer your question, though, Yes, it is a real good description - except for the white hair! However, the werewolf part is pretty good; I remember sometimes being a little concerned when the moon was full, especially if we were just heading out to sea on a full moon night! (As an aside, sometimes if we were gone for a few days, and my daughter Brianne asked him where we were, he'd say, "Didn't you notice how small the moon had become? Your Dad & I had to go up there & fix it!") Ah, things like this make the wounds fresh all over again, and make me miss him all the more...

Re: "a good description on Dennis!" Ed

Thank you so much for replying to this. Your posts are always interesting, love the insider view. I am sorry for refreshing old wounds though.
Thanks again....kirt

Re: "a good description on Dennis!" Ed

Just a random thought-Anyone else besides me notice that Jeff Bridges in his new movie bears an uncanny resemblance to Dennis? Haven't caught the movie but noticed at awards shows he looks like and even seems to have certain mannerisms similar to DW. Anyone?

Re: "a good description on Dennis!" Ed

I always though Bridges was nailed on to play Brian in a biopic

Re: "a good description on Dennis!" Ed

It's funny, I've always liked Jeff and ever since someone mentioned one the Bridges for Brian's movie I've payed more attention to them. Then when I heard about Crazy Heart, I knew I was gonna be like it because I love Country Music. I totally agree I got a little bit of a Dennis vibe from the him in it, which I never expected!! I happened to look him up and noticed he & Dennis have the same birthday. I don't know, guess I just found that ironic, lol.

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