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Welcome to the Blue Bambu Room, a lounge where you can kick back, listen to the waves, have a cold one, and talk about Dennis, his music, his life, his brothers, his band. TO RETURN TO DENNIS WILSON DREAMER .ORG, CLICK ON THE PHOTO TO THE LEFT.

NOTE: On June 18th, 2008, Sony BMG/ Legacy Recordings released the long awaited reissue of Dennis Wilson's masterwork, the acclaimed 1977 solo album Pacific Ocean Blue. Aside from a brief CD release in 1992, this is the first time this album has been widely available to the public since it's first appearance. Included in this release is a second disc packed with previously unreleased material from sessions leading up to a second solo album, tentatively titled BAMBU.

So, have you heard the new release? What do you think? What surprised you? Do you have questions? Reviews? Opinions? - they are all welcome here.

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Re: Real Beach Boy

I had this book in my hands at "Books A Million" when it came out (I think it was $17.95 paperback).I thought I'd get it later (low on funds). Haven't seen it since except online for big money...aaarrrrrgg.
I did buy the "Lost Beach Boy" hardcover, which has me wanting "The Real Beach Boy" bad. Great book.

Re: Real Beach Boy

There will be a revised and expanded edition of the Real Beach Boy book at some point in the hopefully not too distant future. I've been working on it( on and off) for awhile, but things like making documentaries and writing other books have eaten up my time over the last year and a half. I appreciate the interest and in time there will be a new version out there. When I know more details regarding release date and publisher I'll post it here. I don't expect it to be ready any sooner than late 2010.
Thanks, Jon

Re: Real Beach Boy

Thank you for the answer Jon, for some reason I din't get a notification, hence my late answer.

The book is defenitly worth buying and I must say it's the best book on Dennis out there. Heroes & Villains is good, too, but Real Beach Boys somehow goes even deeper. If you want to come close to Dennis, listen to the music or read the book!

Buy it for your Dad! Buy it for your son!
Hide your wives and daughters!
(Don't say we didn't warn ya!)