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Re: Specific War Dog breeds

Adaptability to harsh climates (ie desert...)

Re: Specific War Dog breeds

So, it's fair to say that it's more due to the Dobes' intolerance of harsh climates as opposed to their inability to follow instructions/commands required of war dogs? Just really curious about this. Dobes are currently used as search and rescue dogs (as in the 911 tragedy) but have been discontinued as war dogs.
They seemed to be prevalent in WWII and Korea but not since. Just wondering why, as they seem to be such an intellegent (and headstrong) breed. Maybe that is my question...are they TOO headstrong? Any info is greatly appreciated....thanks for your response!

Re: Specific War Dog breeds

Dobes are no longer used for most law enforcement and militay work because of their inability to do the job. From bad breeding to wome wanting the desired "woking" traits to be breed out of the breed. Dog show quility as opposed to working ability.