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Reed plate attachment; for the builders & fixers

Hi y'all - I found with a maple Bon Cajun C i bought from one of the posters here that the sound was a little nasal sort of. - by ways of experimenting i took all the reed plate treble side screws out, after first A-B comparing the middle bank s's behavior. Had someone else listen along too: we both felt it was noticeably better without screws ... - So I removed all the screws and this maple accordion sounds definitely less nasal, more lows and highs, and seemingly louder. The type of wax used here i left as it was: of a light colored type and little soft and pretty sticky.
- I now wonder of another wax mixture with more rosin makes an acoustic difference; another maple Bon Cajun in A has no screws originally, and a darker type of wax. It sounds very good as it is.
- So i begin to think that the use of screws is maybe only to keep reed plates from falling out in warmer climates, but hampering the reed's vibrations & sound somehow. Any opninions? -Nout

Re: Reed plate attachment; for the builders & fixers

Simple answer is:

1. Screwing in the reeds creates a firmer connection between the reed plate and the reed block. Creating better sound transfer and a brighter sound.

2. The stiffer the wax,
(or the less wax you can use)
Will allow the reed plates to resonate more freely.

But remember, the two middle pitched reed banks do not sound the same ever when played individually, as one is standing up and the other lying down. (regardless of removal of screws.)


Re: Re: Reed plate attachment; for the builders & fixers

Hi DP, I agree, but for now i like the sound of this particular Miller box better for now without the screws.
I've a set of F reeds on order for this one, maybe i'll try some stiffer wax + eventually screws when done later this year ... nout.

Re: The danger of changing keys.

Good luck!
It will be fun.

BTW, you may have to do some serious modifications to get the bigger "F" reeds in a "C" box without hitting.

The better builders use different size reed blocks for different key of accordions.

I don't know if this is the case with Miller.


Re: Re: The danger of changing keys.

Hi DP, i aim for a high F .. & squeeeek that eery sound out of the thing .... nout

Re: Re: Re: The danger of changing keys.


do you still have time left to play all your accordions?


Re: Re: Re: Re: The danger of changing keys.

i travel light and with the speed of it .......

Re: Re: Re: The danger of changing keys.

Then you are good to go!

But I don't want to be in the same room when you play it!

Jamey Hall's most excellent Cajun Accordion Music Theory

Brett's all new Cajun Accordion Music Theory for all keys!

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