Re: February 2014 Song of the Month - Bayou Noir - some lyrics for Ned and Jamey
AJ, there may be other ways, but I do it by clicking on the "share" button, then the "embed" button, the check the "Use old embed code" box. The just copy all the gibberish in the box and paste it with your message in the forum post. When you paste it, it will be the whole gibberish, but when you hit "post message", it will embed the video.
John, "occupé" is the only word I know for "busy with", but someone more fluent than me may know more.
Re: February 2014 Song of the Month - Bayou Noir - some lyrics for Ned and Jamey
"Animé" means "busy" in expressions like "a busy town" (une ville animée). Not in your example.
But X... may be "avec une fille", "occupé avec une fille", or "être après courir après une fille", or "après courtiser une fille". Several possibilities...