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Re: Re: Re: Re: cuts

I noticed in our Brantford paper the names of cut players. It is kind of interesting who was let go. As a fan I try to make it out to as many games as possible. They let a really talented D man go who has played in europe for the last few years aswell as a young goalie who played excellent in the first half of the season and keeping games close when the blast wern't putting the puck in the net also he stole 2 points from the Hornets . Another D that has been in the league a while was gone too. I love to watch blast winning games now but suprised at who was cut there are less talented players who are still on the roster. I guess that's why i'm not the GM. Other teams in the league could benefit with any of these players. Should be an exciting 2 games this weekend. See you in Cambridge

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: cuts

Can you let us in on who was cut in Brantford? Names if you can remember...thanks

Re: cuts

I'm glad everybody is talking about Dana Benette.Some of the opinions are correct of him.He will drop the gloves and go with anybody unarguably.But there is a time for all of that.Now this is where the coach comes in, he should know when to let the animal out of the cage.He should be limited to the amount of ice time through the coach.But when there's no enforcing to do and his fourth line skills are to check he should be able to do that also without getting a penalty!