I'm aware that this discussion has been overwith for about a month, but hey, I just got my internet back up and running and I'm trying to catch up with the rest of you.
I think he says, "Elle a mis une mainte en-dedans." "She put in a great many."
I also think that he's not saying "Euh, je..." He's saying "Ej" which is a common occurence in Cajun French. Ej'crois, Ej'veux, Ej'vas, Ej'dit, etc., etc., etc. It's not a lapse of thought, it's simply a way of speaking.
There were other things I wanted to mention, but I forgot 'cause, man, this is a long discussion. :-)
P.S. The "...wheez" word sounds like "un gee whiz." Ça, c'est juste mes deux sous pour asteur.
Bryan, I think it's a question of pronunciation. The word is "fleurir" (standard and Cajun French/see LSU glossary), but it's the way he says it that sounds like "fleurer" (that's why I had spelled it like that).
I didnt know how it was spelled, I was just referring to the difference between "fleurir" and "querreler". Believe me, I will never correct anyones spelling.
Sorry I posted the same thing so many times. At one time I looked and my posts werent there, so I redid it, then all were there. Ce computer me faire comme un fou des fois.