Re: Your connections with Acadia - do they still exist?
We Cajuns are estblishing more and more contacts with our cousins up North. I agree that this contact has been fostered through the three Congrès Mondials that have taken place so far. Last year's Congrès had the most influence in establishing the link. The Congress here in 1999 awakened Cajuns interest in the history of our people and in our genealogy. This awakening whetted our appetite for more contact with les Acadiens et Acadiennes du Nord.
Unfortunately though, some still don't have a clue about our epic story, or the connection we have with the peoples of the Maritime Provinces of Canada. I fear that as our culture melts into the great American "Melting Pot", our story will be forgotten more and more by the decendants who live in Louisiana.
On the other hand, thanks to the internet and the communications explosion due to technology, we can make an effort to maintain the connection. It should be interesting to see how things progress in the next few years, especially as we look forward to another "Congrès" in Caraquet in 2009. If God says the same, I'll be there representing!
Re: Re: Your connections with Acadia - do they still exist?
The name Pommier doesn't ring a bell as far as being an Acadian name. It is therefore probably a family line that comes directly from France (region of Poitou-Charentes in particular), like many other names in Louisiana. If you wish to do a little bit of research on Acadian genealogy, visit link #2 above. This site offers several interesting links.
For the ones interested in viewing pictures from the last Congrès acadien in Nova Scotia, visit Link #1. There are dozens of nice pics there to see. Yes, I also look forward to the next Congrès in Caraquet (North East of New Brunswick)in 2009. Hopefully the momentum will keep on building between now and then.
I've also attached the site for Grand Pré at Link #3. The official Parks Canada web site doesn't do justice to the beauty of this site, but it's a start.