I'm not one to compare. Outside of a cheap E Bay box, My Le Capitaine is the only other box I've held. There are not many players where I live and life is too fast a pace for many here to even consider a gathering. I can tell you the workmanship is excellent, Binci reeds, well tuned. Danny used butt joints, which some dislike. Being an engineer and violin maker, I can tell you there is only the cosmetic factor on that. Butt joints are extremely strong. Those in doubt can request data which I will gladly provide.
I can e mail you a photo.
If you speak to Danny, send him my regards.
Cypress box.
Can you send more info on who is Danny, where does he make his accordians, and how does one get in touch with him. The Le Capitaine sounds like a box that would make a little more ummph than a Chinese wet tuned...Thanks