I don't know the Red Stick Ramblers version. I have their first CD and don't like very much. So I did not buy the next ones. But I will try to listen to their version of this waltz.
Speaking about fiddles, have you Cajun fiddle players heard of Dominique Dupuis ?
She is a young and very talented violonist from Acadia. I have just discovered her on TV (on stage with other musicians). She plays great music with such energy and enthusiasm ! I've got to find her recordings.
She will be in Lafayette for the festival this year.
I've only heard them play that waltz live. But someone got me a version of it on cd somehow. I didn't ask any questions so I'm not sure if its on an actual cd or just something they threw out one time or another. I've never heard of Dominique Dupuis but I might try and catch her when she comes down here this year.