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October 10th 2007
04:33:07 PM
What is your name?  


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October 9th 2007
04:57:20 PM
What is your name?  


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October 9th 2007
04:34:42 PM
What is your name?  


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September 30th 2007
09:59:51 AM
What is your name?  


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September 28th 2007
04:22:29 PM
What is your name?  


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September 22nd 2007
11:38:55 PM
What is your name?  


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October 23rd 2004
04:48:25 PM
What is your name?  

Bruce Dickinson

How did you find this Web Site?  

A friend told me about this little treasure

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

I just love it so much it is soooo good and i just could eat up whoever made it cause theyre so cute i bet!

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August 23rd 2004
11:30:14 PM
What is your name?  


What is the Title of your Web Site:  

horse crazy

A Description of your Web Site:  

Its odd

How did you find this Web Site?  


Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

i think ur site is da best in da world keep it up!

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August 19th 2004
12:58:42 PM
What is your name?  


How did you find this Web Site?  

On a link

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

I loooove your site. It is the best. Great job!!!!!! Please dont you ever take this site down!!!!!

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March 26th 2004
01:19:19 PM
What is your name?  


What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Gwen's horses

A Description of your Web Site:  

it is a horse thing i have a great big heart for horses.

How did you find this Web Site?  

by a friend.

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

have a great summer in 2004 and hopfully you guy's get out and ride the wind.

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