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June 1st 2005
12:40:50 PM
What is your name and where are you  


How did you find this Web Site?  


Do you have any comments?  


May 27th 2005
11:17:27 AM
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May 14th 2005
11:36:38 PM
What is your name and where are you  

Eleanor Prett

How did you find this Web Site?  

Just went a hunting one day

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

Love the photos.
Will see the rest another time
Love the food - more please
What happened to your family tree?

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April 14th 2005
10:09:39 AM
What is your name and where are you  

Brian Mandville South Korea

How did you find this Web Site?  

googled mandville

Where are you from?  

St. John's Newfoundland Canada

Do you have any comments?  

just googled my last name your site came up. i've yet to do a proper genealogical search but it would be nice to know if we are related or not.

why dont you fire me an email?



January 29th 2005
10:55:13 PM
What is your name and where are you  

Lynne Clutton

How did you find this Web Site?  

Your brother, Cliff sent it to me.

Where are you from?  

Red Deer, Alberta Canada

Do you have any comments?  

Hi! Apparently, we are long lost cousins. Your Canadian grandfather, Cliff Mandville is my mother's uncle. It would be great to get to know you a bit.

November 30th 2004
12:46:27 AM
What is your name and where are you  


What is the Title of your Web Site:  

Dark Quest

A Description of your Web Site:  

my web collection

How did you find this Web Site?  

You gave me the link ^_^

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

nice site, great job with it! Keep up the great work!

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July 14th 2004
05:15:41 PM
What is your name and where are you  

Baby K's mummy

How did you find this Web Site?  

i typed it in

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

Banging site. pics are fab. lmao. talk later

July 13th 2004
12:10:20 AM
What is your name and where are you  


How did you find this Web Site?  

how'd you think

Where are you from?  

same place as you

Do you have any comments?  

Yo brother, sort of a nice site except a few bad pictures of people from ireland. But not my fault,
you have my e mail,

March 14th 2004
01:35:16 AM
What is your name and where are you  


Do you have any comments?  

hi did you find anything further about the swans? I saw them supporting david essex, and would like to get more of their music.

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September 14th 2003
07:38:49 PM
What is your name and where are you  

Phyllis ~ Seattle WA

How did you find this Web Site?  

From a friend in Alaska who did a web search from Dogpile

Where are you from?  

Born & raised in Indiana. Live in Seattle, Washington USA

Do you have any comments?  

Thanks so much for the Cockaleekie soup recipe. I had this soup in a restaurant long ago. It was so good. I've been trying to find the recipe without much luck. I finally found it here!

August 29th 2003
12:29:42 PM
What is your name and where are you  

Ingrid at home

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

David Essex girls club

A Description of your Web Site:  

David Essex forum and site for all dedicated DE followers.

How did you find this Web Site?  


Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

Thanks for updating the site...keep up the good work

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August 5th 2003
02:13:40 AM
What is your name and where are you  

Steve Clark

How did you find this Web Site?  

Claire told me about it

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

I like your website claire

May 21st 2003
10:51:20 PM
What is your name and where are you  

Laura Harvey - Flagstaff, Arizona - United States

What is the Title of your Web Site:  

still not applicable

A Description of your Web Site:  

once again, well you know

How did you find this Web Site?  

Liam let me know

Where are you from?  

Yuma, Arizona - Estados Unidos

Do you have any comments?  

Things are going well here, i went for a hike in Sedona. Sedona is famous for large red rocks. it was gorgeous. the place where i hiked was crowded with tourists, including some elementary school students who chased me (all in good fun). i took a wrong turn on the path and wound up hiking a good 7 miles instead of 6 oh well....

School is going well - 2 B's 1 A and one C in Math (of course).
Kaiya is doing well and very happy for a pre-teen.
hope to hear from you soon.

Laura Harvey

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January 19th 2003
05:04:54 AM
What is your name and where are you  

Richard from Bradford

What is the Title of your Web Site: - challenge everything

A Description of your Web Site:  

Well actually, it's just a boring blog of my latest and greatest news

How did you find this Web Site?  


Where are you from?  

You've already asked that

Do you have any comments?  

when are you going to get rid of all those nasty pop-ups?

And hello Doris, not heard from you for a while.

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November 2nd 2002
01:43:04 AM
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September 17th 2002
03:24:02 AM
What is your name and where are you  

Dorris Zietsky

How did you find this Web Site?  

From a freind

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

It is good site. I like seeing other people sites before I make my own.

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September 15th 2002
10:56:48 AM
What is your name and where are you  

Andy from Telford Shropshire

A Description of your Web Site:  

Manufacturer of rocking horses

How did you find this Web Site?  

surfing wildly

Where are you from?  


Do you have any comments?  

a smashing site well done!!

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September 11th 2002
09:23:35 AM
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Viewing restricted to Guestbook Owner.

August 11th 2002
03:05:21 AM
What is your name and where are you  

Nic Uys

Where are you from?  

Wellington South Africa

Do you have any comments?  

Thanx for your help.Nic

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